One Day in Tallinn- What to Do
Dear reader, here is Lili, your co-editor. Today we travel to a very cute town in the Northern part of Europe- Estonia’s capital Tallinn. It was one of those destinations which we did not have much time for. We…
Your Barcelona Guide
Dear reader, here is Lili, your co-editor. Today I would like to introduce you to your Barcelona Guide. I call Barcelona my “third home”, because after my home country and the place where I’m currently living, this is the…
10 Things to Consider When Planning Your Trip
Dear reader, here is Lili, your co-editor. It is the beginning of the year and after the holiday season comes the depressing rest-of-the-winter (at least in the Northern Hemisphere :-). One way to cheer up a bit is to…
Off the Beaten Path in the San Francisco Bay Area
Dear reader, here is Dani, your co-editor. Today I will take on an adventure “off the beaten path in the San Francisco bay area”. What is the first association that surfaces in your mind once you hear these three…
Top 10 Hamburg Weihnachtsmärkte
Dear reader, here is Lili, your co-editor. Today’s article is all about Christmas spirit and Christmas markets in Hamburg – read further to see which are the Top 10 Hamburg Weihnachtsmarkt. Since I live abroad, I have started associating…
Stress Management: 10 Common Sources of Stress on the Job and What to Do
Dear reader, here is Dimo, your co-editor. We continue our Active Life section with a topic, which plays significant part in our work life. Namely stress management on the job. I have 13 years of experience in the corporate…
10 Must-Have Items for Your Hand Luggage
Dear reader, here is Lili, your co-editor. Traveling nowadays plays more and more important part of our everyday life. Be it for business or leisure, we travel more than a decade ago. Some travel more often (weekly or even several…
Sri Lanka
Dear reader, here is Lili, your co-editor. In this article we will travel in direction Far East and we stop in the wonderful land of Sri Lanka. In fact, this was the first country outside Europe, which I visited…
Bologna and Rimini
Dear reader, it’s Lili, you co-editor. Bologna is a beautiful Italian town located in the Northern part of the country. It is mostly a students’ town as it is home to several universities. It is very different from the…
DIY Adventskalender for Travelers
Dear reader, it’s Lili, your co-editor. Adventskalender is a word which I learnt a couple of years ago when I moved to Austria. Around the beginning of November, I started seeing these big boxes with numbers on them in…