• Weekend Escapes

    One Day in Tallinn- What to Do

    Dear lilioftheworld.com reader, here is Lili, your co-editor. Today we travel to a very cute town in the Northern part of Europe- Estonia’s capital Tallinn. It was one of those destinations which we did not have much time for. We…

  • The kiss Barcelona

    Your Barcelona Guide

    Dear lilioftheworld.com reader, here is Lili, your co-editor. Today I would like to introduce you to your Barcelona Guide. I call Barcelona my “third home”, because after my home country and the place where I’m currently living, this is the…

  • Easter Island airport
    Lili's Tips

    10 Things to Consider When Planning Your Trip

    Dear lilioftheworld.com reader, here is Lili, your co-editor. It is the beginning of the year and after the holiday season comes the depressing rest-of-the-winter (at least in the Northern Hemisphere :-). One way to cheer up a bit is to…

  • Golden Gate Bridge

    Off the Beaten Path in the San Francisco Bay Area

    Dear lilioftheworld.com reader, here is Dani, your co-editor. Today I will take on an adventure “off the beaten path in the San Francisco bay area”. What is the first association that surfaces in your mind once you hear these three…

  • Rathaus Weihnachtsmarkt by day

    Top 10 Hamburg Weihnachtsmärkte

    Dear lilioftheworld.com reader, here is Lili, your co-editor. Today’s article is all about Christmas spirit and Christmas markets in Hamburg – read further to see which are the Top 10 Hamburg Weihnachtsmarkt. Since I live abroad, I have started associating…

  • Hand Luggage only
    Lili's Tips

    10 Must-Have Items for Your Hand Luggage

    Dear lilioftheworld.com reader, here is Lili, your co-editor. Traveling nowadays plays more and more important part of our everyday life. Be it for business or leisure, we travel more than a decade ago. Some travel more often (weekly or even several…

  • Sri Lanka Buddha Statue decorations
    Long Haul Trips

    Sri Lanka

    Dear lilioftheworld.com reader, here is Lili, your co-editor. In this article we will travel in direction Far East and we stop in the wonderful land of Sri Lanka. In fact, this was the first country outside Europe, which I visited…

  • Italy

    Bologna and Rimini

    Dear lilioftheworld.com reader, it’s Lili, you co-editor. Bologna is a beautiful Italian town located in the Northern part of the country. It is mostly a students’ town as it is home to several universities. It is very different from the…

  • DIY Adventskalender for travelers
    Lili's Tips

    DIY Adventskalender for Travelers

    Dear lilioftheworld.com reader, it’s Lili, your co-editor. Adventskalender is a word which I learnt a couple of years ago when I moved to Austria. Around the beginning of November, I started seeing these big boxes with numbers on them in…