25 Things to Do in Sozopol
Dear lilioftheworld.com reader, here is Lili, your co-editor. As most of you know, we love spending the summers in our home country and more precisely, at the Bulgarian seaside, in the town of Sozopol. After being here almost every summer for the last 20 years, we have seen and done a lot. That is why we would like to share with you our recommendations on how to make your stay in Sozopol unforgettable. There are so many things you can do, but these might not come to your mind if you are a first-time visitor. Here we are to assist you.

Here are our recommendations for 25 things to do in Sozopol
Visit the beach
Sozopol has two beaches within the town. However, I would recommend visiting either of the neighboring ones- Kavatsi/ Smokinya or Gradina. Even if you do not have a car, you can easily reach them by taxi. The ride costs €5 and €7.5 respectively (better ask for the price before you get on the taxi, this is how locals operate) and in less than 10 minutes you will be there.

You can experience some of the beach bars which are quite a popular way Bulgarians go to the beach. More information about the beach bars around Sozopol you can find in my other article Top 10 Beach Bars around Sozopol.

El Tubo beach bar on Smokinya camping (on the left) and Surf House Beach bar on Gradina (on the right)
2. Walk through the Old town
Like most conserved ‘old towns’ the Old town of Sozopol also features narrow stone laid streets, with tiny or no sidewalks. Besides this, you can find several churches, many antique houses and plenty of small hotels, galleries, restaurants, shops and street vendors and performers. Part of the ancient city wall has been restored together with the watch tower. These lie along a picturesque promenade by the sea and are particularly attractive at night.

The charming streets of the Old Town in Sozopol
The old houses are samples of the typical Revival architecture. Most of them have 2 or 3 floors, wood paneling protection on the outside walls, cool stone ground floors and charming little courtyards. Staying in one of these houses is definitely an interesting experience. Just have in mind that getting with your car there might be a challenge.

The night walks through the Old town provide a different vibe
3. Watch a movie in the open-air theater
The open-air theater is an arena in the beginning of the Old Town. A lot of concerts and different events happen there. In the summer months there are also movie nights, so check the programme and enjoy the experience under the stars.

4. Visit the Archaeological museum
If you are into history, Sozopol will impress you. The Archaeological Museum in Sozopol is located in the old part of the town, just next to the harbor. It is housed in the building of the St. Cyril and St. Methodius Temple, as well as in several halls provided by the Cultural Center of Sozopol.

The Archaeological Museum reveals the history and the millennial cultural traditions of the town of Sozopol from the end of the 6th millennium BC to the 17th century AD. Certainly, the most impressive are the collections of stone and lead anchors and bayonets, the ancient Greek painted vases, and the antique and medieval amphorae.

In fact, the museum consists of two sections: archaeology (5th millennium BC – 17th century AD) and Christian art (17th – 19th centuries). Visitors of the Archaeological Museum can see the alabaster casket containing for centuries the relics of John the Baptist and a small box with a Greek inscription talking about the journey of the relics to St. John (in Bulgarian- St Ivan) Island.

5. Visit St Cyril and St Methodius Church
As you are anyway nearby, you can visit the Church where the relics of St John the Baptist are kept. During winter though, they are moved to the other church in the Old Town- St George.
In Bulgaria anyone can enter the churches and it is free of charge. It is typical to light a candle, either for health or as worship to your dead relatives. You can buy candles from inside the church. Finally, when leaving the church, make sure you are facing the altar, i.e. you should leave going backwards.

6. Visit the Ethnographic museum
Talking about museums, there is one other cute museum in the Old town of Sozopol. The Ethnographic museum is not a big one, still quite interesting (especially for foreigners). The museum is housed in the “Kurtidi House” – a 19th century architectural monument of culture with local importance. The precise address is 34, Cyril and Methodius Str. The building is restored in its authentic look and offers a view of the picturesque bay of Sozopol.

The museum consists of two floors. The first floor of the exposition presents traditional local crafts – agriculture, fisheries, wine making, weaving, etc. The ancient charm of Sozopol is richly illustrated with photographs and documents from the beginning of the 20th century.

From left to right- the museum yard, the first floor, golden jewelry and a wooden wall which used to be in the marriage hall of the town
On the second floor, one can find traditional fabrics and clothing, characteristic of the ethnographic groups inhabiting Sozopol and the coastal Strandzha region in the 18th – 19th centuries. The beautiful costumes, tablecloths, colorful rugs and aprons, pillows and cuffs are all part of the multicolor, which illustrates the high aesthetic criteria and the aspiration for beauty of the Bulgarian woman. An important element of the exposition module are the jewelry from the Revival period – decorated belt buckles (pafta), bracelets, rings, earrings, etc.

Typical Bulgarian clothes from the beginning of the 19th century
7. Go to St John island by boat
For the moment there are no standard services offering this trip from the harbor. However, you can randomly go to one of the small boats there and ask the captain to bring you to the island. They usually do it, unless the sea is bumpy. The ride will cost around €5 (if you are 5-6 people) and it will take 20 minutes one way. You can give me a call in case you need my support in finding boat transport.

Further, the island St. John is the largest Black Sea island on the water territory of Bulgaria. Its area is 660 dca. It is located just one kilometre away from Sozopol. The island is a natural and archaeological reservation place under the protection of the state. For many people the biggest attraction of the island is the lighthouse, which guides the vessels to the Burgas Bay. Moreover, the island used to be a sacred place for the ancient Thracians, who built their sanctuary there in the 7th century BC. The island St. John is subject to ongoing archaeological research. In 2010 the relics of St John the Baptist were found here.

The island is home to many bird species (although we saw only feathers during our visit). Over 70 bird species have been registered near the islands of St John and St Peter (the small neighboring one). The island is also inhabited by the largest colony of European Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) in Bulgaria.

8. Take a ship tour around Sozopol coast
If you are a fan of organized trips, you can use one of the standard boat trips around the coast of Sozopol. Different sizes of small ships leave the harbor at any time of the day and make a tour of about an hour. The tours pass by St John island, the central beach and get to Harmani beach.

Different moments from boat trips as seen from the coast
9. Raise your adrenaline via water sports
Riding jet ski and any other inflatable equipment is favorite activity for many beach visitors. I’m not much into that kind of adrenaline. However, I can highly recommend the parasailing experience. It is so beautiful to see the town from a bird eye. The service costs €35/ per person or €55 for two and takes about an hour. It is not suitable for children under 5 though. Parasailing is not scary, even if you are afraid of heights. Just go to any of the two beaches in town and look for the place where the water sport activities stands are.
10. Try Kite surf
If you are into real water sports, you will be surprised by the quality of the wind at the neighboring Gradina beach. It is a popular spot for kite surfers. You can either bring your own kite, or hire one and just ride the waves.

11. Visit Beglik Tash
Going back to some sightseeing activities. A bit south of Sozopol, you will find Beglik Tash. The Thracian sanctuary Beglik Tash is located in the highest part of cape Beglik Tash (128 meters above sea level), near the town of Primorsko. It is located in a forest territory, which used to be part of the hunting residence of the former communist head of the state Todor Zhivkov (ruled 1954 – 1989). Therefore one of the greatest discoveries regarding Thracian history on the southern Black Sea coast remained unknown to science until 2003.

So far, there is most evidence for the central platform of the sanctuary. It is slightly above the surrounding terrain. Cave elements, which used to serve in rituals, lie in a circle with a diameter of 56 meters at the platform. They have preserved their natural characteristics but were moved and shaped by humans with the typical sacred symbols and signs. Behind them stands an astronomical clock, made of 16 flat round stones. Near it is the “Labyrinth” – the path of the ordeal – and a huge dolmen, representing the “holy cave”, where the Mother Goddess gave birth to her son – the Sun God.

Beglik Tash rock formations
Pottery, stone tools and weapons, flints, coins, etc. were found during archaeological explorations. They show that the place was created in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC and was destroyed at the beginning of the 4th century AD. The lack of later constructions upon it has allowed the preservation of the unique sacred elements in their original form.

The two most famous Beglik Tash spots. The first one being the enormous rock standing only on two points and the second one- the place where you leave all your sins in case you pass through the tiny hole
12. Visit Akra Fortress
The Akra fortress is located a bit north of the neighboring village of Chernomorets. The Early Byzantine fortress on Akra Cape dates back to the 6th century. A solid fortress wall safeguarding an area of 16 daa was built on the narrowest part of the cape. Parts of fortified walls and towers have been preserved until the present day and reach heights of up to 4 meters.

During an archaeological study conducted in the region of the fortress in 2012, remains of a town were discovered, 2/3 of which were located on the land, and the rest were under water. Researchers also found numerous coins, adornments, ceramics, and fragments of glass objects.

The amazing views from Akra Cape
13. Watch the sunset
The terrace-like location of Sozopol allows you to have amazing views of the sunset. Although you can enjoy the sunset by sitting on some of the stairs, I would recommend doing so in a restaurant with a glass of wine and some nice music. My article Best Restaurants with View in Sozopol might be very useful in this relation.

14. Try Bulgarian “katma”
This food might not even be Bulgarian (I’m almost sure it should have Turkish origin). However, the number of stands offering it and the way Bulgarians eat it, makes it a local specialty. “Katma” in fact is a big pancake which you can eat for breakfast, lunch or just as a snack at any time of the day. Depending on the ingredients, the price varies, but on average it is around €1.5-2. You can choose a sweet or a salty one. Certainly, one of the most popular spots for having such pancakes is in the old town- “Работилница на веселите палачинки”. You can try combinations with salami and pickles there which are non-standard even for our Bulgarian taste.

15. Have dinner at one of the restaurants at “The Wall”
Earlier in the article we had talked about the historical recreation of “The Wall” in the Old town. If you had already walked there, you would have noticed the tens of restaurants in the area. Although prices there are a bit higher than the other restaurants in the town, you are paying for the view. Having dinner, watching the moon path or just listening to the sea waves is priceless.

I find the view from the Wall more charming during the day
One tip of a local: as the main walkway passes through the restaurants, just choose a table which has a bit of privacy. At least I find it obtrusive when passers-by are looking at my plate.

16. Buy a jar of home-made green fig jam
Despite the fact the quantity of fig trees in Sozopol is significantly lower than in the past, you can still find a lot of them. Thus, one of the things the town is famous for is its home-made green fig jam. While walking through the cobbled streets of the Old Town, you have most probably seen stands with jars and something green inside. This is a famous jam. Make sure you take a jar or two with you when leaving. Ah, and before that you can try yogurt with green fig jam which is served as a dessert in almost every restaurant.

17. Walk down “Veselata ulichka”
It is difficult to find a proper translation of “Veselata ulichka”, but it should be something like “Joyful street”. This is of course not the real name of the street, but the nickname people gave it. This is the street behind Harmani beach. In fact, this nickname comes from the many restaurants, bars and stands playing loud music and the crowds of people doing their evening walk there. I wouldn’t call it a walk as it is even hard to make your way through the crowd. But it is worth seeing it… once.
18. Go to the harbor at sunset
Bulgarian part of Black sea is facing east. This means that we could watch the sunrise, but seeing the sunset is rather an exception. Of course the coastline is not a straight line which means that sometimes the sunset over the sea is visible before the sun goes behind any of the mountains. This is the case with some parts of Sozopol. And the harbor is one of the examples.

The beautiful sunset over Sozopol marina
Just imagine watching the old rusty boats covered in golden light of the slowly dawning sun. The water is still and you hear only the sound of the seagulls. Doesn’t this sound romantic? This is where you can take the most amazing silhouette pictures of the parked boats.

19. Go to the sea shell beach
This is a tiny beach at the end of the boat harbor in the Old town. Only locals go there for beaching as there is no sand, just shells. The place is quite popular in the evening for watching the sunset and also St John island.

20. Try fresh Black Sea fish
Although there are restaurants where you go particularly for the fish, almost every place in Sozopol offers fish. Fresh fish as well. You just need to ask what is available on that particular day. Do your homework and check which fish are common in Black Sea. Even if they tell you they serve fresh sea bass, most probably it is coming from Greece. There is no sea bass in Black Sea (at least not in the Bulgarian part).
My personal favorites are ватос (pronounced “vatos”, this is kind of catfish) and миджит (pronounced “midjit”, not sure what the English word is). Just ask your waiter whether they have these (in case you are interested in tasting them).

21. Visit a castle
A visit on their website will tell us the story of the only active Bulgarian castle, i.e. the one in the neighboring village of Ravadinovo. “The Castle “In Love with the Wind” is the child’s dream made true of Georgi Kostadinov Tumpalov (1956) who is its architect, designer and developer from the very beginning when in the distant 1996 he drew with a spade a big cross on the soil over which his family worked 24 hours day and night assisted by the workers from the neighboring village of Ravadinovo and with God’s help managed to build stone by stone a magnificent castle – a dream that came true, created with much love!”

You really feel like part of fairytale
The entrance fee is €10 and it gives access to the garden and the small zoo. You can pay on top for visiting a wine cellar (and respective wine tasting) and other exhibitions in the castle.

22. Behave like a kid in a water park
Next to the castle of Ravadinovo there is quite a huge aqua park. It is an alternative to spending the whole day on the beach.
23. Taste fig wine
While walking through the Old town, you will for sure pass by the small wine shop on 57 Apolonia street. The owner is offering different tastes of wine, the fig one being in my opinion the most extraordinary one. I love it, but I assume it will be too sweet for many of you. Do not miss tasting the raspberry, strawberry and blueberry variants as well.

24. Take a photo with an old plane
If you happen to stay in one of the houses at Pirin street (the one above Sozopol marina), you would have probably seen the old plane among other rusty boats at the left side of the Marina. The area belongs to an old storage space or something like this, but if you ask the people there, they will for sure let you take a quick photo. The vintage look is worth the effort of getting there through the bushes.

25. Take a boat trip along Ropotamo river
Here comes the last recommendation for things to do in Sozopol. A bit south of the town, one can find Ropotamo river along which you can take a boat. Along with this boat trip, one can contemplate the dense forests on the banks, similar to a jungle, with creepers, many swamp turtles and water snakes. The vegetation is so abundant that the overhanging branches of the trees overshadow the river.
The boat trips all start at the same place near the main road. One can either go there with an own car or book the tour separately. If you do not have a car, there are some tour agencies offering a full package, including accommodation transfer. You can even write to me and I can support you in finding one.
In conclusion, I hope you find this article useful and you picked something for yourself among these 25 things to do in Sozopol. I really hope you enjoyed this beautiful Bulgarian town.
If you find this post helpful, do not miss the other articles about Sozopol:
Visit the other pages, dedicated to my home country Bulgaria:
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