15 Plank Variations for Your Morning Routine
Dear lilioftheworld.com reader, here is Dimo, your co-editor. Although it is often underestimated, planking is one of the best exercises for your body. Different plank variations strengthen your core, arms, shoulders, lower body, etc. Furthermore it is an essential exercise for many of us, who spend the majority of the day sitting, as it improves the body posture. It is widely recommended for people with lower back problems and has a positive impact on the metabolism. It aids breathing and improves our general tone. I find the following article “8 Benefits to Practicing Plank Pose Every Day“ thorough in listing all the benefits you have when practicing plank.
As plank combines various benefits into a single exercise it has always been a key part of my morning workout. Initially I started with a classic low plank, but then with the time I tried many other variations. And because I strongly value the positive effects from planking, I would like to share with you some plank variations, which can be the basis of your morning workout 🙂
15 Plank Variations for Your Morning Routine:
1. High Plank
How to do it: One of the most important things when practicing plank is to keep your body straight. The main part of your body weight should be sustained by your core muscles. Of course the straight body posture is also aided by the shoulders and the quads, where you should also feel the tension. If you have back pain while doing plank, this is a clear sign that your posture is not right.
The second most important thing is to keep your arms in a straight line with your shoulders. You can keep your fingers slightly spread in order to keep better balance.

2. Spiderman Plank
How to do it: While you are in high plank, start reaching with your knee sideways to the respective elbow: right knee touches the right elbow, left knee touches the left elbow. Try to keep your posture as straight as possible during the switch of the knees. The number of repetitions depends on your fitness level. You can start with 10 repetitions on each side and progress gradually day by day.

3. Mountain Climbers
How to do it: The mountain climbers are similar to the Spider Plank. Instead of touching your elbows, you reach with your knees to your chest. In between the exercises keep your core firmly engaged. You can start with 10 repetitions on each leg and gradually increase their number.

4. Bird Dog Plank
How to do it: This plank variation is one of the most challenging postures. You need to keep your balance on one leg and one arm only, opposite leg and arm. The leg and the arm should be almost parallel to the floor. Try to stay as still as possible while keeping your body straight. Hold for 5-10 seconds and then switch sides.
In addition to the usual muscles involved in a plank, this variation engages also your glutes. Overall, it is a perfect exercise to improve balance and coordination.

5. Elbow Plank
How to do it: This is the second most common plank variation. Similar to the high plank, but instead of keeping your arms in a push-up position, you rest your body on your elbows. You can keep your arms either parallel to each other or tight them together.
The elbows should be exactly under the shoulders. The arm and the elbow are forming a 90-degrees angle.

6. Elbow plank with a Hip Drop
How to do it: While you are in an elbow plank start moving your hips until they almost reach the floor. Your body should not touch the floor, keep it hovering at about 5 centimeters above the floor. The plank variation is ideal for strengthening your side muscles.
7. Dolphin Plank
How to do it: This plank variation requires a certain level of body flexibility, so do not be surprised if you cannot make it from your first attempts. It strengthens not only your core and shoulders, but also helps stretching the last.
While you are in the elbow plank, just lift your waist until your arms and upper body create a straight line.

8. Side Plank
How to do it: After you finish with the elbow plank, you can just move your weight on one hand. This is the side plank- ideal for strengthening your side muscles. You can keep your upper arm either next to your body, or if you are looking for additional challenge, keep it straight. Pretend you are trying to reach the ceiling. Your two arms should make a straight line, while the one which is on the floor should be exactly under the shoulder. Repeat on each side.

9. Side Plank Dips
How to do it: From the side plank, you can move into the next plank variation- side plank with hip dips. Just lower the hips without touching the floor. This is another great exercise for your side muscles.
This exercise, together with the next one, you can check in the video at the end of the article.
10. Side Plank with Reach
How to do it: One more variation of the side plank is the side plank with a reach. The upper arm comes closer to the floor and you thread it under the body. Again, try to keep your body as straight as possible. Repeat the exercise on each side of the body.
11. Side Star Plank Var 1
How to do it: If the above mentioned plank variations are not challenging enough for you, try the next two. Side star plank like the name suggests is a variation of the side plank in which you try to create a star-shape with your body. Simply raise your upper leg and the rest of the body keep into side plank position. If this is also not challenging enough, move to the next plank variation.

12. Side Star Plank Var 2
How to do it: This one is very similar to the side star plank, with the only difference that here your body is parallel to the floor. The weight on your arms is higher as now the arm is not under the shoulder, but slightly higher. Doing this plank variation is also quite challenging, so keep on practicing until you can do it.

13. Reverse Plank Var 1
How to do it: As its name suggests, this plank variation is exactly the opposite of the standard high plank. All you need to do is to face the ceiling, keep your body straight and your arms right under the shoulders, forming a 90-degrees angle with the floor. The reverse plank helps you strengthen the triceps.

14. Reverse Plank Var 2
How to do it: This reverse plank variation reminds of a table (as a friend of ours once said). Your lower legs and the shoulders should form 90-degrees angles with the torso and the floor. The reverse plank is beneficial for your glutes.

15. Star Plank
This set of plank variations gives you plenty of options for your daily workout. What is important is that if you are persistent and committed to the exercise, you will start seeing results already in the first month. The length of each set depends on your personal fitness level. I would always advise to start from a very short length and gradually build-up with the time. If you haven’t done plank before, it is normal that during the first days you might not be able to hold the low plank pose for more than 40 seconds or a minute. Over time, you will be able to get to two minutes, which according to many sources is enough to take full benefits from regular planking.

After you reach this level with the low plank, you are free to experiment with all other positions presented in this article 🙂
The video below shows you how to do each of the 15 plank variations we described in this article.
I hope these exercises are helpful for keeping you #alwaysfit. Let us know your feedback.
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